Identity Collage [MIXED MEDIA]
Humans are cool. REALLY cool, actually. We’re full of complexities and eccentricities and a uniqueness that makes us one in a million! We can see ourselves in the mirror. We can see ourselves in photos. But have you ever seen yourself in a collage?!
Here’s your chance to create a self portrait that describes your identity as YOU see it: using all sorts of mediums! This is a super cool way to dig a little deeper into all that makes you, YOU!
A portrait of yourself. Take a new one if you have a printer, or use an existing one if you don’t. Black and white is best, but not critical.
Paper or cardstock
Markers, colored pencils, crayons, or paint
Cut out your portrait and glue it to the bottom of a full-sized piece of paper or cardstock. DON’T PANIC, but you’ll want to cut off the top of your photographed head (like from your forehead up) for design purposes.
Start rifling through old magazines looking for words, pictures, objects — anything that represents you and your personality. Chop them up and save them in a pile.
If you need to use the internet to find more specific images that identify YOU, have at it! Chop those up and save them too.
Color in the negative space on your paper (everything surrounding your portrait) with whatever colors you choose. Could be one, could be many.
Start adding your collage! The intention is that your identity (the collage portion) extends upwards out of your head/brain in order to illustrate that these elements are specific to yourself! Layer up magazine clippings, internet prints, sketches, and any other personal details you might want to add to really show off all that makes you spectacular.
The result will be a vibrant visual representation of your identity!
Here are some samples for inspiration:
Lessons shared from some other cool human on the interwebs.